The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast
Shepheard-Walwyn has been publishing brilliant and inspiring books for over half a century. These books collectively have strived to provide a vision of the world we could create – if we had the insight and intention to do so. This world is based on the principles of fairness, community, and connection.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Dominic Frisby Part 4 - Getting robbed, crypto, and taxation
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Welcome to the final instalment of the Dom Frisby interview. In this conversation we discuss the challenges facing governments around the world and the rise of what some call the “Sovereign individual” also known as the digital nomad.
We consider the implications of increasing government spending with reduced tax revenues.
We look at what countries can do to maintain or even increase tax revenue when those who generate the most (taxable) income can move between borders seemingly at will to avoid them. This then leads us to a discussion of crypto currencies.
Dom was an early adopter in the space writing what I believe was the first book on bitcoin with a major publisher. In spite of this, we find out why Dom isn’t worth hundreds of millions of dollars today (even though his investments should be). It’s a heart breaker!
We then finish with what Dom is working on now - essentially an innovative audio experience/musical book and a new way to for him to help investors.
We hope you have enjoyed this series of podcasts with Dom Frisby.
Be sure to check out the links on this podcast. Check out Dom’s material on Amazon here:
His free YT channel is here:
Be sure to check out Dom’s comedy here:
And his new subscription service on gold, crypto and other investment ideas:
Until next time, keep thinking!

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Dominic Frisby Part 3 - Why is Government the most Expensive Thing you can Buy?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Welcome to part three of the interview with Dom Frisby. I am your host Jonathan Brown.
In this podcast we continue our conversation with investor comedian about how Dom measures freedom by the size of the government.
Check out Dom’s material on Amazon here:
His free YT channel is here:
Be sure to check out Dom’s comedy here:
And his new subscription service on gold, crypto and other investment ideas:

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Welcome back to the podcast. I am your host Jonathan Brown. Today we continue our conversation with Dom Frisby. We move the conversation into Dom’s great documentary about Adam Smith and the Edinburgh fringe – essentially an exploration of how individuals can self organise to create brilliance than the elite can plan it. We then take a look at Dom’s views on education and how we can create much more space for choice and self-organising.
I then look at Dom’s free documentary about Adam Smith and give some pointers on what to look out for.
Some thoughts on watching Dom’s excellent documentary on Adam Smith.
We talk about Dom’s documentary in this part of the talk. I encourage you to watch it and to consider there are things you could do to increase individual actions and choice in your community. The Fringe was founded due to restrictions on who was allowed to perform at the Edinburgh Festival. If you weren’t posh enough, if you weren’t worthy as determined by the organisers you weren’t allowed to take part. So, the first acts went there – at their own cost – and offered something they felt people would like to see – and they were right.
It's easy to get into the weeds with Smith and the classical economists but Dom’s work makes it much clearer. So look at how the Fringe developed to become the economy and how one comedian managed to change the economics and format of the Fringe forever – and how finding a way to give away your service (in this case a comedy act) meant people were finally able to make money.
It starts with putting Adam Smith in context. Whilst he’s credited with effectively founding English-speaking economics, his work is rarely studied anymore. Smith is like Darwin: people quote him but hardly anyone has read the actual work.
Fascinatingly, Smith wrote A Theory of Moral Sentiments as an advertisement for his lecture series. He also talks about how Smith was able to travel around Europe learning from some of the greatest thinkers in Europe.
There are some great interviews with some of the UK’s top comedians and the most popular acts at the Fringe. At the heart though is a model for entrepreneurial action and how economies can self regulate.
You can watch Dom’s ode to Adam Smith and the Edinburgh Fringe here:
What’s also worth a listen is how the film came about and how the problem of centrally planned media is still alive and well. Entrepreneurship is essentially problem solving or “scratching your own itch” and finding a market:
His free investment focused YT channel is here:
Also, be sure to check out Dom’s comedy here:
Maybe is one of my favourites:
If you get chance to see him live, he’s a hoot and the crowd’s pretty decent too!
Also subscribe to his newsletter – he’s been a lot busier than expected since the crisis in Ukraine:
There’s a free version so go with that first.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Hello and welcome back to the podcast. My name is Jonathan Brown. Today I am speaking with Dom Frisby, perhaps the worlds first economic commentator/comedian. Dom has been a friend of SW and PSE for a long time, hosting talks with Phil but also being crucial to the superb documentary The Four Horsemen, something we know our readers and subscribers have enjoyed.
A short time ago we interviewed Dom to look at all his work. Whilst he isn’t an SW author we think his work is worth time to look at as he has an interesting perspective on precious metals, crypto, the markets in general and political systems.
In this first podcast we look at how Dom became the world’s first economist-investor-comedian, how he became a libertarian - subtitled “why Cuban fathers want their daughters to be hookers”!
We also look at how well intended government actions can undermine and even eliminate personal responsibility of the citizens they are trying to help, the importance of 1909 to the First World War and why people of every political persuasion seem to dislike the BBC.
Thanks for listening to the first part in this interview with Dom. For more information check out the links to his content below – his youtube channels and his new investor subscription service. Also check out the other episodes when they are released.
His free investment focused YT channel is here:
Also, be sure to check out Dom’s comedy here:
Also subscribe to his newsletter – he’s been a lot busier than expected since the crisis in Ukraine:
Check out Dom’s material on Amazon here:

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Heather Remoff (Meet The Author) - What’s Sex Got To Do With It?
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
My guest today is Heather Remoff, author of What’s Sex Got to Do with It? Darwin, Love, Lust and the Anthropocene. Heather first discovered flaws in Darwin's theory of sexual selection during her doctoral research in the 1970s and has spent the last 40 years developing her understanding of it and related fields, including economics.
What’s Sex Got to Do with It? is her attempt to add insight to Darwin’s work so that it can accommodate advances in genetics and in female mating choice – advances that were unavailable to Darwin when he wrote The Descent of Man, his sequel (if you will) to the Origin of Species and his exploration of sexual selection. In this conversation, we learn about all the work Heather has done that took her sociology work and her PhD in anthropology at Rutgers and beyond.
Be sure to look out for our other interviews with Heather as we explore her ideas in more detail.
To read the book go to:

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Robin Russell-Jones (Meet The Author) - The Gilgamesh Gene Revisited
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Dr Russell-Jones is an author and medic and one of the UK’s foremost environmental writers. He has produced films and co-edited several seminal works on the environment, including Lead versus Health with Sir Michael Rutter FRS, Radiation and Health with Sir Richard Southwood FRS, and Ozone Depletion: health and environmental consequences with Prof Tom Wigley. He chairs an educational charity, Help Rescue the Planet, dedicated to minimising air pollution and mitigating climate change.
To read the book go to:

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Phil Anderson (Part 4) - The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Welcome back to the final part of this 3 part podcast series with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the and is the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements. In this podcast we look to the future and what we can predict is likely to happen based on our understanding of the past.
Thank you for listening to this mini series with Phil Anderson. If you’d like to find out more be sure to buy the book and check out his site at
To read Phil's book:
Download your FREE eBook: The 228-year-old investment secret and discover that the biggest economic gains are still ahead of us:

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Phil Anderson (Part 3) - The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Welcome back to part two of this 3 part podcast series with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the and is the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements.
Following on from our first interview, we begin where we left off with the Great American BBQ where the USA was parcelled up and sold off to the highest bidders.
Thank you for listening. Join us next time where we look ahead to the future of the markets.
To read Phil's book:
Download your FREE eBook: The 228-year-old investment secret and discover that the biggest economic gains are still ahead of us:

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Phil Anderson (Part 2) - The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
In this series of short podcasts we are speaking with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the international conference circuit and splits his time between Europe, Asia and his home country of Australia. He is also the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements.
Following on from our meet the author interview where Phil speaks about his inspirations for writing the book, he gets into more detail.
To read Phil's book:
Download your FREE eBook: The 228-year-old investment secret and discover that the biggest economic gains are still ahead of us: