The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast
Shepheard-Walwyn has been publishing brilliant and inspiring books for over half a century. These books collectively have strived to provide a vision of the world we could create – if we had the insight and intention to do so. This world is based on the principles of fairness, community, and connection.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Nic Tideman - Land and Taxation 2nd edition
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Today we're speaking with the editor of the soon-to-be re-released classic Land and Taxation, Professor Nick Tideman. He edited this book with the authors Vic Blundell, Fred Foldvary, Mason Gaffney, and Fred Harrison. Nick was raised in Chicago in San Francisco. He got his first degree in math and economics at Reed College and a PhD from the University of Chicago. He's held positions at Harvard University and served as an economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisers. He moved to Virginia Tech almost 50 years ago, where he became a full economic professor in 1985. Nick's authored over 100 professional articles focusing on public finance and improving the efficiency of public decision-making. In 2006, he wrote the book Collective Decisions and Voting: The Potential for Public Choice.
Get the Land and Taxation eBook (Amazon):
Now available in a bundle, get it with a deducted price here:

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Edi Bilimoria - Unfolding Consciousness Part 3
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Today's author is Dr. Edi Bilimoria. Edi is joining us for what will become a series of conversations to celebrate and explore his extraordinary for volume 1200 Page Magnus Opus, unfolding consciousness exploring the Living Universe and intelligent powers in nature and humans. Edi was born in India and educated at the University of London, Sussex and Oxford, and he presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, engineering, art and philosophy. He's worked as a consultant in many industries including oil and gas, aerospace and construction. And he's been a project manager and head of design for major innovative projects, which is a channel tunnel, London Underground systems and other off stock installations. A student of the perennial philosophy for over four decades, he has given courses and lectures extensively around the world. He's organised and chaired several major conferences, and his written work has been published extensively in the fields of science, engineering and the esoteric philosophy. And on top of all of this, he is also an accomplished concert pianist.
Unfolding consciousness is a culmination of a life's work and has already garnered much critical acclaim. In this episode, we have part two of Edi's discussion of volume one panoramic survey, science contrasted with the perennial philosophy on consciousness. And man, if you haven't already captured part one, be sure to catch that now. So Edi, I think at this stage, we've given people an overview. Well, it certainly will not cover the extraordinary 150-200 pages that you've got around the wonder and the challenge of modern science, and we're now moving in towards your conversation and the dialogue around ancient teaching in the Mystery Schools. I just wonder where would be the best place for us to start that conversation?
Get your copy of Unfolding Consciousness (Whole Set):

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Edi Bilimoria - Unfolding Consciousness Part 2
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Welcome back to the SW podcast. Today we welcome back Edi Bilimoria to talk about the first volume of his stunning work, Unfolding Consciousness. As a quick recap, Edi is an award winning engineer, glider pilot, concert pianist, philosopher and student of ancient wisdom. In this two-part conversation we will explore the ideas in Book 1, subtitled, A Panoramic Survey - Science Contrasted with the Perennial Philosophy on Consciousness and Man.
Get your copy of Unfolding Consciousness (Whole Set):

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Edi Bilimoria (Meet The Author) - Unfolding Consciousness
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Today’s author is Dr Edi Bilimoria. Edi is joining us for what will become a series of conversations to celebrate and explore his extraordinary 4 volume 1200 page magnum opus, Unfolding Consciousness- Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans.
Edi was born in India and was educated at the Universities of London, Sussex and Oxford. Edi presents an unusual blend of experience in the field of science, engineering, art and philosophy. He’s worked as a consultant in many industries including oil and gas, aerospace, and construction. He's been a project manager and head of design for major innovative projects such as the Channel Tunnel, London Underground systems and offshore installations. A student at the perennial philosophy for over four decades, he has given courses and lectured extensively around the world. He has organised and chaired several major conferences, and his written work has been published extensively in the fields of science, engineering, and esoteric philosophy. On top of all of this, he is also a concert pianist.
Unfolding Consciousness is the culmination of a life’s work and has already garnered much critical acclaim.
In this interview, we explore his life story and how he came to write such a book. It takes place at his house, and we finish with Edi playing his stunning Steinway grand piano.
Get your copy of Unfolding Consciousness (Whole Set):

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Michael Hudson (Part II) - A Philosophy for a Fair Society
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Hello and welcome to the Shepheard Walwyn podcast series. My name is Jonathan Brown. Shepheard Walwyn is a campaigning book publisher based in London, England. Our purpose is to uncover and promote new ideas to society’s oldest problems. Whilst our specialty is ethical economics, something Anthony Werner, our driving force for over 40 years has pioneered, we have branched out over the years to other related areas such as the environment and the lives and work of society’s change agents.
These podcasts promote ideas we are convinced can actually help us to build a better society for all of us. So have a listen and be sure to share with your friends if you like them and tell us what you think – these are debates we all need to be a part of.
Welcome to Part Two of our interview with Michael Hudson, perhaps the world’s most influential, (but rarely acknowledged), economist. In the first episode, we looked at how economics got corrupted from industrial economics, where people made money by making things to a finance economy where a small elite group makes money by manipulating financial instruments.
In this episode, we dig into Michael’s most famous work, Super Imperialism, the Economic Strategy of the American Empire. In this book, first published in 1972, Michael described how the USA was able to force the world to use the US dollar as its default international currency – the so-called ‘dollarisation’ of the world economy which accelerated in the 1960s to today. We also look at the reverse which is happening as we speak - the rapidly accelerating de-dollarisation due to US actions against Russia and China. Essentially this is where economies around the world stop using the US dollar as their trading and reserve currency and start using other currencies instead in terms of impact. This change may be the most important economic event since the Second World War. Here are the time stamps for the conversation.
Get A Philosophy for a Fair Society eBook (Amazon):
Now available in a bundle, get it with a deducted price here:

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Michael Hudson (Part I) - A Philosophy for a Fair Society
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Welcome to the Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast and a two part interview with Michael Hudson, perhaps to the world’s most influential (but rarely acknowledged) economist. Michael has had a remarkable career starting off as a practical or reality-based economist working for a variety of institutions looking and how banks really behave. He looked at the balance of payments economics for David Rockefeller at Chase Manhattan Bank; worked for Herman Kahn at the Hudson Institute, and advised the US State Department on how they could fund the Vietnam War when the gold was running out. He now advises the Chinese Government on how to maintain an industrial economy and avoid the traps the US Finance economy has fallen into.
Michael’s most famous work is Super Imperialism, the Economic Strategy of American Empire but has also written extensively on ancient economies in the Near East. He is one of our longest running writers having co-written the soon to be re-released eBook, A Philosophy for a Fair Society with Kris Feder and the late GJ Miller and. Incidentally, this book is a great introduction to his whole body of work so do check it out!
In this first episode we looked at how economics got corrupted from industrial economics where people made money by making things, to a finance economy where a small elite group makes money by manipulating financial instruments. There’s some meaty topics but I promise it’s worth your time.
Get A Philosophy for a Fair Society eBook (Amazon):
Now available in a bundle, get it with a deducted price here:

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Fred Harrison - Corruption of Economics 2nd edition
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Today we welcome Fred Harrison back to the podcast. In this interview, we talk about The Corruption of Economics, a book Fred co-wrote with the late, great Professor Mason Gaffney (with an additional contribution from Dr. Kris Feder. Corruption was released in 1994 but as part of our focus on the classics in the Shepheard-Walwyn library we are re-releasing it as an eBook with a new introduction from Fred.
Whilst it may seem that a book published in 1994 may not have much to say about today’s economic and political challenges, we hope you’ll hear in this podcast how relevant it is to the challenges we face today.
The papers are currently crammed with the Russian oligarchs and how unfair they are. All this is true but it’s no more true than our oligarchs. In this podcast, Fred explains why we have an economic system and philosophy that guarantees the creation of oligarchs and that the same things that were done over 100 years ago to eliminate Henry George and the fairer economic ideas from the textbooks were done in Russia in the 1990s to ensure that Russia did not create a fairer economic system but that they had a “shock therapy” approach that created gross income inequality. Fast forward 30 years and we are chasing Russian billionaires around the Mediterranean trying to take their super-yachts from them.
Please note, that although the paperback copies are out of stock currently, The Corruption of Economics is only available on eBook:
Now available in a bundle, get it with a deducted price here:

Monday May 16, 2022
John Butler (Part II) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Welcome to the third and final installment of our interview with John Butler, the 84 year old YouTube sensation and author of the Shepheard-Walwyn book Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment. Now, this conversation carries on from our last one. And we start off with one of John's most famous stories, which was when he was eating his favourite pig, or recycling love as he describes it. He also looks at the difference between sinners and consumers. Are they the same thing? And we also ponder his famous adage “to make whole, be whole”. We look at the upside of failure and depression. And we finish with the funniest additional information ever written on a CV.
We begin with asking John about eating his favourite pig!
For previous episodes please go to:
John Butler (Meet The Author) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
John Butler (Part I) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment

Tuesday May 10, 2022
John Butler (Part I) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
This week we continue our conversation with John Butler, 84 year old YouTube sensation and author of Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment.
In this conversation, we explore the experiences he writes about in the first part of Wonders. We explore his relationship with nature, his time as one of the first organic farmers in the 1960s and collaborated with people like EF Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful and Lady Balfour, co-founder of the Soil Association.
We also get into how he sees his spiritual work as an evolution of his farming work.
This conversation follows on from our meet the author interview that took place in his favourite church in Bakewell. To continue we made our way to the top of John’s favourite hill just outside Bakewell. This gave us some wind and insect noise so apologies in advance for that. The place has held a special meaning for john since he was a boy so I begin the interview by asking where he’s taken us and what the place means to him.
For previous episodes please go to:
John Butler (Meet The Author) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
John Butler (Part I) - The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment